This article will discuss the meaning of public administration, the nature and the scope of public administration. In order to understand the scope of public administration it will be important to distinguish it from Private Administration.

The word “ administration has been derived from the Latin words “ad” and “ministiare” Which means to “save”. Administration comes from the root word- administer- which means to manage or organize the affairs of a School, Company, business entity, etc. Administration, therefore, means all the activities that are involved in managing and organizing a particular institution. Administration in educational spheres also means the systems of how things are done in organizations such as institutions of learning and in educational structures and offices.
In the wider sense, it includes all the activities of the government whether falling in the sphere of the legislature, executive or judicial branch of the government. Thus it may be said that public Administration is the non-political machinery of the government carrying on its work for the welfare of the people.
There are two divergent views regarding the nature of public Administration. These views are:
Managerial View
The work of those who are engaged in the performance of managerial functions in an organization constitutes administration. Their major role is to plan and organize all activities In an Organization In order to achieve the set objectives.
Integral View
This view looks at public administration as a sum total of all the activities undertaken in pursuit and fulfilment of public policy. These activities include managerial, technical and Clerical. That includes all the activities of all persons from top to bottom who constitute administration although they are of varying significance to the running of administrative machinery. Professor White adopted the integral View, stating that public administration consists of all those operations, having for their purpose the fulfilment of public policy. This definition covers a wide area of operations such as the sale of public land, the removal of litter from townships and awarding of licenses.
The above two views differ from each other In many ways. The Managerial view is identified with the managerial techniques common to all the fields of administration. Luther Gulick defines these techniques by means of the word: POSDCORD which means Planning, Organization, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting.
Several Writers have defined the scope of Public administration differently. Luther Gulick sums up the scope of public administration with the word POSDCORB. Gulick’s approach is technically oriented rather than subject-oriented.

Pfeiffer , has divided the scope of Public Administration into two headings:
- Principles of Public Administration
- Sphere of Public Administration
Under Principles of Public Administration, the following points are covered:
- Organization: It is concerned with the structuring of individuals and functions into a productive relationship.
- Management Personnel: Is concerned with the direction of these individuals and functions to achieve ends previously determined.
- Method and Procedure: This is a technique for administering the process of working.
- Material and Supply: These are the tools with whose help administrative work is carried out, for instance, Computers realm of papers, ink and pens.
- Public Finance: This is Money used for the day-to-day operations of an Organization or Department, without which personnel cannot be employed and work cannot be done.
- Administrative Accountability: All administrative activities of an Organization or department are subject to internal control as well as external responsibility to courts of law, the legislature and the members of the public.
Public Administration covers the entire area and all the activities of the government. However, the term has come to signify primarily the organization, personnel, practices and procedures essential to the effective performance of the civilian functions entrusted to the executive branch of government.
Walker gave a comprehensive account of the scope of Public Administration by dividing it into two parts:
- Administrative Theory
- Applied Administration
Administrative Theory
This includes the study of structure, organization, functions and methods of all types of public authority engaged in carrying out the administration at all levels, that is, at local, national, regional and international. Furthermore, it is a study of all problems connected with external control of parliament and cabinet over the administration, internal control of administrative machinery, judicial control over administration, administrative tribunals planning, programming and execution of public actions. Recruitment of personnel and problems connected therewith, research, information and public relations.
Applied Administration
Different scholars have defined differently what the` applied administration` is. Walker has tried to classify the main forms of applied administration on the basis of ten principle functions which he called political, legislative, financial, defensive, educational, social, economic, foreign, imperial and local. He gave the following explanation:
- Political: This includes a study of executive legislature relationships, political administration activities of the cabinet and minister official relationships.
- Legislative: This includes delegated legislation, and preparatory work done by the officials in the drafting of bills for enactment.
- Financial: This includes the whole of financial administration from preparation to the enactment of the budget.
- Defensive: This includes a study of military administration.
- Educational: This covers all aspects of educational administration.
- Social: This covers all administration in the social field such as housing. Food, social security and employment.
- Economic: This covers all administrative activities in the economic field such as industries, agriculture, trade, commerce and public enterprises
- Foreign: This covers foreign administration which includes international cooperation, international agencies for international peace and prosperity and diplomacy.
- Imperial: This includes problems and techniques of imperial domination over other nations.
- Local: This covers the administration of local bodies.
The management of affairs by private individuals such as corporations and clubs, constitutes Private Administration, while the management of affairs of the public by central or local government or statutory bodies, and constitutes Public Administration.

The techniques of management and organization are common to both public and private Administration. Public Administration has drawn its content from the knowledge of private Administration. Both observe the same general principles. The following are the main points of differences between Public and Private Administration:
Key Differences between Public and Private Administration
The important points of difference between public and private administration are given below:
- The systematic and well-planned management of the affairs of the state to achieve the purposes established by the government is known as Public Administration. The term private administration refers to the operation, management, and organization of the affairs of the business enterprise.
- Public Administration is a political process. On the other hand, private administration is a business activity.
- Public administration takes place in a governmental setup, whereas private administration operates in a structure other than the governmental setup.
- Public administration follows a bureaucratic approach, while private administration has an egalitarian approach.
- Decision-making in public administration is pluralistic, but in private administration, there is monopolistic decisions are taken.
- In public administration, the revenue is generated from taxes, fees, duties, penalties and other dues paid by the general public. As opposed to private administration, where profits from operating activities are the major source of revenue.
- When it comes to accountability, public officials are accountable to the general public. Unlike, private administration where the employees are accountable to the owners.
- Public administration is welfare-oriented; it works with a service motive. Conversely, private administration is profit oriented.

If Public Administration is to serve democracy, it must be left to operate according to its nature and given the freedom and autonomy which is necessary for its efficient functioning. Unfortunately, there is always an undue intervention of politicians in public Administration. Public administrators should understand and embrace the Constitution and our nation’s basic democratic values.
They should also understand and support a commitment to the rule of law. They should use democratic values as the basic guidelines for their own decision-making, behaviour, and attitudes. They should hold the public interest as a primary goal and be capable of reconciling the competing interests of the bureaucracy with the public interest, as well as providing the expertise necessary to successfully manage public programs and provide public services.
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