In this article, we shall walk through the different the meaning concepts related to measurement and evaluation, namely assessment, test and testing. The purpose of carrying out measurement and evaluation will also be given since the primary purpose of educationally measuring and evaluating the learner is to utilize the results for the improvement of teaching-learning.
Test and testing
Simply put a test is a measuring tool or instrument in education. More specifically, a test is considered to be a kind or class of measurement device typically used to find out something about a person. Most of the times, when you finish a lesson or lessons in a week, your teacher gives you a test. This test is an instrument given to you by the teacher in order to obtain data on which you are judged. It is an educationally common type of device which an individual completes himself or herself, the intent is to determine changes or gains resulting from such instruments as inventory, questionnaire, opinionnaire, scale, etc.
Testing on the other hand is the process of administering the test on the pupils. In other words the process of making you or letting you take the test in order to obtain a quantitative representation of the cognitive or non-cognitive traits you possess is called testing. So the instrument or tool is the test and the process of administering the test is testing.
Now that you have learnt the difference between test and testing as part of measurement and evaluation. Let us move on to the next concept which is assessment. As a teacher, you will be inevitably involved in assessing learners; therefore you should have a clear knowledge and the meaning of assessment.
The term assess is derived from a Latin word “asoidere” meaning “to sit by” in judgment. There are many definitions and explanations of assessment in education.
Let us look at few of them.
- Freeman and Lewis (1998) to assess is to judge the extent of students’ learning.
- Rowntree (1977): Assessment in education can be thought of as occurring whenever one person, in some kind of interaction, direct or indirect, with another, is conscious of obtaining and interpreting information about the knowledge and understanding, of abilities and attitudes of that other person. To some extent or other, it is an attempt to know the person.
- Erwin, in Brown and Knight, (1994). Assessment is a systematic basis for making inference about the learning and development of students… the process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting and using information to increase students’ learning and development.
You will have to note from these definitions that
- Assessment is a human activity.
- Assessment involves interaction, which aims at seeking to understand what the learners have achieved.
- Assessment can be formal or informal.
- Assessment may be descriptive rather than judgment in nature.
- Its role is to increase students’ learning and development
- It helps learners to diagnose their problems and to improve the quality of their subsequent learning.
This is a broad term that refers to the systematic determination of outcomes or characteristics by means of some sort of assessment device. It is a systematic process of obtaining the quantified degree to which a trait or an attribute is present in an individual or object. In other words, it is a systematic assignment of numerical values or figures to a trait or an attribute in a person or object.
For instance, what is the height of Uche? What is the weight of the meat? What is the length of the classroom? In education, the numerical value of scholastics ability, aptitude, achievement etc. can be measured and obtained using instruments such as paper and pencil test. It means that the values of the attribute are translated into numbers by measurement.
According to Tuckman (1975) evaluation is a process wherein the parts, processes, or outcomes of a programme are examined to see whether they are satisfactory, particularly with reference to the stated objectives of the programme, our own expectations, or our own standards of excellence.
According to Cronbach et al (1980) evaluation means the systematic examination of events occurring in and consequent on a contemporary programme. It is an examination conducted to assist in improving this programme and other programmes having the same general purpose.
For Thorpe (1993) evaluation is the collection analysis and interpretation of information about training as part of a recognized process of judging its effectiveness, its efficiency and any other outcomes it may have.
If you study these definitions very well, you will note that evaluation as an integral part of the instructional process involves three steps. These are
- Identifying and defining the intended outcomes.
- Constructing or selecting tests and other evaluation tools relevant to the specified outcomes, and
- Using the evaluation results to improve learning and teaching.
You will also note that evaluation is a continuous process. It is essential in all fields of teaching and learning activity where judgment need to be made.
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