10 Money making Projects with no Capital
There are a lot of online money making projects that you can undertake at any time and succeed, without any investment, apart from your time and effort.
There are a lot of online money making projects that you can undertake at any time and succeed, without any investment, apart from your time and effort.
with the advent of the information age, it gets easier and easier to find a job which is more comfortable, even with just your skills.
1 Way to Find a job so perfect and personalized Lire la suite »
Note taking is the practice of writing pieces of information, often in an informal or unstructured manner. One major specific type of note taking is the practice of writing in shorthand
As far as listening skills are concerned, non-listening is a form of communication, whereby the listener seems to be paying attention to the message, while in reality, the concentration is elsewhere.
Communication studies is an academic field that deals with the processes of communication, commonly involves the sharing of symbols or signals over distances in space and time.
Communication studies – 2 benefits not to ignore Lire la suite »
HIV/AIDS is both a cause and a result of food insecurity. Female members of food insecure households in the quest to earn incomes tend to engage in risk behaviour which makes them susceptible to HIV infections.
Arghiri Emmanuel’s theory of unequal exchange, dating from the late 1960s, was in certain respects in extension of Prebisch’s and Singer’s analyses of the deteriorating terms of trade
food security is defined as a condition whereby all people have access to food of the right quantity and quality at all times to enable them live an active healthy life.