In the entrepreneurial world, your pitch could be the ticket to bringing your vision to life. So take a deep…
Industrial relations define relationships between employers and employees toward each other in terms of supervision, direction, planning and coordination of…
The significance of industrial relations is in the fact that their quality increase the efficiency and hence prosperity and other…
This article explains the relationship between economic growth and food security as a pre-requisite to enhancing food security. Interventions that…
Data Collection and Dissemination The Central Statistical Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives play a critical role in…
Business communication examines verbal, nonverbal and written communication in the world of business. Through numerous examples of effective speaking, writing,…
The food balance sheet is basically a 'mathematical spread sheet' presentation of aggregate food requirements netted against available food stocks…
The article defines the availability of food, accessibility to food, affordability of food and the utilisation of food as the four pillars of food security.
Gender is a very important element in analysis if one takes into account its role. In this post we discuss…
The FBS does not provide a complete picture on the food situation and so government turns to other sources of…