Conflicts can be defined as a form of disagreement or antagonism between two or more parts, which may be individuals,…
This article will provide you with a somewhat generalised overview of how the conflicts in Africa are seen by those…
what measures against conflicts can different actors actually take in foreign nations, and often quite distant conflict zones?
Agenda-setting refers to the process by which certain influential groups in society decide which issues are important to them and…
At the level of international organisations, we can focus on the decision in conflicts resolution within the UN Security Council…
The media is an actor in conflicts resolution that 'speaks' rather than 'acts'. Its primary role in conflicts resolution is…
Coverage of African conflicts appeared to end there, with very low levels of coverage of conflicts in the DRC, Angola,…
Do such interest groups response exist for Africa in Western countries, and if they do, how responsive are they concerning…
In many ways, it can be said that the Corporations Response to the conflicts in Africa has been much significant.…
The decision-making (or perhaps more appropriately: awareness-making) process of the public is quite varied, given the many types of actors…