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The present course focuses on moving beyond computer literacy and ICT-aided learning, to help student-teachers interpret and adapt ICTs in line with educational aims and principles. It explores ICTs along three board strands; teaching-learning, administrative and academic support systems, and broader implications for society. The course will help students reflect critically and act responsibly to prevent use of ICTs to support centralisation of larger knowledge structures; it will show student- teachers how ICTs can be adapted to support decentralized structures and processes; as well as build the ‘digital public’ to make education a participatory and emancipatory process.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
Use of Technology in Education: In Retrospect.
Information and Communication Technology: Meaning, nature and advantages
Hardware and Software Fundamentals
Computer hardware fundamentals (anatomy, input devices, output devices, storage devices, display devices), types of computers and Computer Network-LAN, WAN.
Use of digital camera, recorder, scanner, printer, interactive white board, visualizer, and multimedia projector for creating and using multimedia resources
Software Fundamentals (Software – Meaning and types; System software and Application software)
Introduction to office applications (Word processing, Spreadsheet Presentations, Databases, Drawing tools, Multimedia tools, File formats and conversion, utility tools
ICT and Pedagogy
ICT for Assessment and Management
Session Work
3 hours of Lecturers/ Practical sessions and Tutorials are required to facilitate the delivery of the content in this course using teaching approaches strategies that focus on learner centeredness in order to ensure effective transfer of knowledge, skills and values to teacher trainees.
The students will be required to use the ICT skills and knowledge in term two during their peer-teaching and seminar presentations.
There will be theory paper in ICT. This will be in addition to continuous assessment.
Total 100%
Ahmad, J., Ahmad, M.S. and Khan, A. (2012), Computer Applications in Education, Neelkamal Publication, Hyderabad, PP-288, ISBN: 978-81-8316-293-7.
Bharihok, D. (2000). Fundamentals of Information Technology. Pentagon Press: New Delhi.
CEMCA (2014). Technology Tools for Teachers, Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, 13/14 Sarva Priya Vihar, New Delhi.
David, M. (2009). Project Based Learning- Using Information Technology- Second Edition. Viva Books: New Delhi.
James, K.L. (2003). The Internet: A User’s Guide. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd: New Delhi.
Laxman Mohanty, Neeharika Vora (2008). ICT strategies for schools- a guide for school administrators. Sage Publications: New Delhi.
Manoj Kumar Dash (2010). ICT in teacher development, Neel Kamal Publications: New Delhi.
MHRD-GOI (2004 and revised 2010) National ICT @ Schools Scheme, Department of School Education and literacy, MHRD, Govt. of India, New Delhi
MHRD-GOI (2012) National Mission on Education through ICTs (NME-ICT), Department of Higher Education, MHRD, Govt. of India, New Delhi
Mishra, S. (Ed.) (2009). STRIDE Hand Book 08: E-learning. IGNOU: New Delhi. Available at STRIDE_Hb8_ index.html
Mohit K (2003). Design and implementation of Web-enabled Teaching Tools: IRM Press,UK.
NCERT (2013). Information and Communication Technology for School System: Curricula for ICTs in Education (students and Teachers), Version-1.2, CIET-NCERT, NCERT, New Delhi (
NCERT (2013). National Repository of Open Educational resources (NROET), CIET- NCERT, NCERT, New Delhi (
Roblyer M.D., Aaron H. Doering (2012). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching (6 th Edition).
Pradeep Kumar (2011). Web Resources in Pedagogy. Apple Academics: Oakville.
Semenov, Alexy (2005). Information and Communication Technologies in Schools. A handbook for Teachers. UNESCO.
UNESCO. (2002). UNESCO Report: Information and Communication Technologies in Teacher Education, A Planning Guide, Division of Higher Education, UNESCO.
UNESCO. (2002). UNESCO Report: Information and Communication Technology in Teacher Education, A Curriculum for Schools and Programme of Teacher Development. Division of Higher Education, UNESCO.
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