
This is the Sociology of Education Teachers Education Syllabus, 2015  version produced by the Zambian Curriculum Development Centre (CDC). This syllabus has been uploaded to help Prospective Teachers and college lecturers to find a better guide to use the courses and the Pastpapers already uploaded on our websites.

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Further Information about Sociology of Education Teachers Education Syllabus, 2015

The sociology of education course is designed to equip trainee teachers with relevant knowledge, skills and values that will enable them be competent teachers in junior secondary schools.


The course aims at producing teachers who have good understanding of the culture/society and its significance in the learning processes of the child



  1. Demonstrate understanding of related aspects sociology of education with respect to the culture and learning environment of the child.


  1. Able to apply knowledge, skills and values acquired in sociology.


Lecturers and tutors are required to facilitate the delivery of the content in this course using teaching approaches strategies that focus on learner centeredness in order to ensure effective transfer of knowledge, skills and values to teacher trainees. Such methodologies should include the following teaching approaches and strategies:

  • Group and pair work.
  • Research.
  • Field trips.
  • Presentation.
  • Observation/ Experimentation
  • Inquiry.
  • Problem solving.
  • Role play.
  • Drama.
  • Modelling.

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