PED 113: History and Philosophy of Education

Course Aim

History and Philosophy of Education syllabus alms at equipping students with relevant historical knowledge and philosophical skills of reflection, analysis, criticism and logical argumentation, which will enable them to be competent teachers at primary level.


At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Discuss Formal, Informal and Non-formal types of education.
  • Describe the aims, structure and organisation of Traditional African/Zambian education.
  • Discuss critically the aims, structure and organisation of Missionary and Colonial education in Zambia
  • Explain the History of Education in post-Independence Zambia in terms of aims, policies, reforms, successes and failures.
  • Trace the contribution of Greek, Roman and Jewish philosophers to the rise and development of Western Education.
  • Discuss the nature and methodology of Philosophy, its main components and various branches.
  • Justify Philosophy of Education in the Teacher Education programme.
  • Compare and contrast the influence of Idealism, Realism, Naturalism, Pragmatism and Existentialism on education in terms of curriculum organisation, methodological approaches, role of the teacher and place of the pupil in education system.
  • Discuss critically issues and problems affecting education in Zambia such as Equity, Gender, Human Rights, Democracy, Justice, HIV/AIDS, Population and Environment.


Introduction to Education

Definitions of education

Aims of education

Education and culture

Types of Education



Formal and Non-formal

Traditional indigenous Education

Traditional African Philosophy

Aims of Education

Structure and Organisation

History of western Education

Greek-Roman Education

Development of Western Education

Modern Western Education

Western Missionary Education in Northern Rhodesia

Missionary education in Zambia

The BSA Company Policy on Education in Northern Rhodesia

The Phelps-Stokes Commission Report on Education in Africa – Northern Rhodesia

British Colonial Government participation in African Education, 1925-1963

Education in Zambia after Independence

Education in Zambia at Independence

Education act of 1966/2000

National Education Reforms of the 1970s

The education system after the 1976/1977 Reforms

Education Reforms of the 1990s: Focus on Learning (1992) & Educating Our Future (1996).

Education Policy and Provision in Zambia today

Introduction to Philosophy of Education

Definition of Philosophy

Nature of Philosophy

Importance of Philosophy in Education

Components and Branches of Philosophy

Metaphysics: The nature of reality and existence (Monism, Materialism, Dualism, Spiritualism, Pluralism).

Epistemology: Theory of knowledge

Logic: System of argumentation

Axiology: Theory of values (Ethics and Aesthetics).

Branches of Philosophy: Idealism, Realism, Naturalism and Existentialism.

Idealism and Education

Definition of idealism

Types of idealism

Idealism and metaphysics

Idealism and epistemology

Implications of idealism on education.

10. Realism and Education

  • Definition of realism
  • Types of realism
  • Implication of realism on education
    • Naturalism and Education
  • Definition of naturalism
  • Types of naturalism
    • Existentialism and Education
  • Definition of existentialism
  • Values as they relate to human beings
  • Freedom and authority
  • Implication of existentialism on education
    • Pragmatism and Education.
  • Meaning of pragmatism
  • History of pragmatism
  • Pragmatism and knowledge
  • Pragmatism and education (John Dewey)
  • Implications on education today
    • Education and Development
  • Definition of Development
  • Theories of Development
  • The role of Education in Development
    • Philosophy and Cross-cutting Issues in Education
  • Equity
  • Democracy
  • Human Rights
  • Justices
  • Environment


Two hours of lectures per week

One hour of tutorials per week


Continuous Assessment                                                        50%

Two assignments per year                                          30%

One test per year                                                         20%

Examination                                                                          50%

Total                                                                                       100% 


Akimpelu, J.A (1988). An Introduction to Philosophy of Education. London: Macmillan.

Kelly. M.J (1999). The Origins and Development of Education. Lusaka: Image Publishers.

Snelson, P.O. (1974). Education Development in Northern’ Rhodesia, 1883-1945. Lusaka: NECZAM

Taneja, V. R. (2005). Educational Thought and Practice. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.


Barker, R.E (1986). Philosophy of Education. New York: College Press.

Barrow, R & Woods, R. (1992). An Introduction to Philosophy. London: Routledge. Carmody, B. (2004). The Evolution of Education in Zambia. Ndola: Mission Press.

Gutek, O. L. A History of Western Education Experience. Waveband: Prospect Height.

Mwanakatwe J. M (1974). The Growth of Education in Zambia Since Independence. Lusaka: Oxford University Press. Sutherland, -M. (1988). Theory of Education. London: Longman.


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