This intricate interplay between hormones and behavior is a subject of immense scientific interest, offering profound insights into what makes…
Emotions play a pivotal role in shaping human behavior. According to psychologists, our feelings not only influence how we perceive…
Programmed learning is one of the most prominent implications of the operant conditioning. The theory makes emphasis on habit formation,…
This post presents some of the applications of motivation to classroom situations. These can be helpful to teachers, parents and…
There are four major approaches of motivation that are commonly used in the learning and teaching environment.
INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY Humanistic theory is a principle based on the appreciation of other human beings, unconditionally, for their…
Cognitive Field or Gestalt theory was formulated by a group of German Psychologists. The theory emphasizes insightful learning rather than…
Psychology as a branch of knowledge is devoted to the study of behaviour of human beings and animals. To this…
Educational Psychology is an integral part of psychology which seeks to find how positive relationship/interaction can be established between the…
There are many branches of psychology helping to study different characteristics an organism can exhibit at a particular time or…