
What is Global citizenship education

Global citizenship education is an increasingly important area of focus in today's interconnected world. It aims to equip individuals with…

8 months ago


Programmed learning is one of the most prominent implications of the operant conditioning. The theory makes emphasis on habit formation,…

2 years ago

4 things about Context of Industrial Relations

There are 2 main dimensions in the context of Industrial Relations,internal and external context.

2 years ago

The Major causes of poor industrial relations

Perhaps the main cause or source of poor industrial relations resulting in inefficiency and labour unrest is mental laziness on…

2 years ago

3 Actors in the Industrial Relations System

There are generally three main actors in the industrial relations,which are directly involved, namely, employees, employer and government or society:…

2 years ago

The Growth Pole Theory

Growth pole is the concentration of technically advanced industries that stimulate economic development in associated businesses and industries. These concentrations…

2 years ago

Neo-Marxism Theories of Underdevelopment and Dependency

Neo-Marxism theories of underdevelopment and dependency appeared during the 1950s, partly as a reaction against the growth and modernization theories,…

2 years ago

Exports Dominated by Primary Commodities. Why ?

One of the distinguish characteristics of developing countries is that their trade tends to be dominated by the export of…

2 years ago

Weak institutional Structures in Developing Countries

Many economists have recently argued that it is weak institutional structures that are the fundamental causes of underdevelopment because the…

2 years ago

Structural features of developing countries

Here are Some characteristics of developing countries that contribute to the low levels of labour productivity and poor economic performance

2 years ago