Agric Science Teachers Education Syllabus, 2015


This is the Agric Science Teachers Education Syllabus, 2015 version produced by the Zambian Curriculum Development Centre (CDC). This syllabus has been uploaded to help Prospective Teachers and college lecturers to find a better guide to use the courses and the Pastpapers already uploaded on our websites.

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Further Information about Agric Science Teachers Education Syllabus

Agricultural Science includes cross-cutting issues affecting humanity. Agricultural production is now characterised by the use of modern technology. It is the Government policy to adopt a technology-based approach to render  the  local  agricultural sector more productive,  service- oriented,  sustainable  and  competitive  whilst  responding  to  the environmental  and  ethical  standards  demanded  by  society.

The development of agriculture and its related industries is challenging and requires appropriate knowledge and skills to keep pace with agricultural technological developments. This has led to the need for well-trained Agricultural Science teachers who have the technical and practical skills in addition to in-depth knowledge of the science to meet the challenges facing agriculture in Zambia. With the increasing  complexity  of agricultural  practices, there  is  a  need  for  enhanced  capacity  in technology  transfer from teachers to learners. This programme fills this requirement. The programme is designed to develop technology transfer and entrepreneurial skills in student teachers in the area of agriculture.


Agriculture is the main stay of development in Zambia. Therefore, there is need for basic principles of Agriculture to be taught to pupils in schools in order for them to acquire appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes. This is in line with the Zambia Education Curriculum Framework 2013 that advocates for vocational career pathways which includes agriculture among other subjects. It is a requirement that pupils be taught useful and relevant survival skills in agriculture and entrepreneurship as a way of job creation. To meet this need it is necessary to train teachers in Agricultural Science who will in turn pass the knowledge, skills and values. The teaching of agriculture science will enhance existing agricultural production units in schools and colleges.


The Agric Science Teachers Education Syllabus is designed to equip agricultural science teachers with knowledge, skills and values that will enable them teach effectively in secondary schools. 


The success of teaching Agricultural Science in secondary schools can be achieved by the use of learner – centered pedagogies. This subject, that enhances learner creativity, analysis, problem-solving and an investigative approach, can be taught effectively using a variety of methods (techniques) both in the classroom and outside. It is advisable that these pedagogies are integrated however possible. Learners are expected to conduct experiments, practicals, field trips, field work and project work in order to enhance the acquisition of the desired knowledge, skills and values.


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